The 2nd league will also be an 8 player keeper hybrid like the first, However, it will be a $20 for the year cash league with all money going to prizes at year’s end.
Yahoo will be handling the money and takes credit cards. This will be in July.
have 4 players already. Anyone having interest post it here or drop me a message.
I could very well have more than enough for a third league. I normally don’t even mention a new league until July but invited a few who looked like very good fits in personality and knowledge.
This is also a forum focus to add more good posters who comment on a steady basis.
Krash Kevin is in and we are now looking at six managers at the end of Jan.
May have to add another league but something different, maybe a more regular 3 keeper league or even a redraft, which is where we get most of our posters from.
Six isn’t a lot. I ran a six man league a few years ago. Razor thin victory margins because everyone is good. You have to expand the starters out to absurd lengths.
Not interested in a 3 keeper league. That’s like the “light beer” of dynasty.
NOT having a 6 team league, just saying that having 6 now without really trying is making me lean to a 3rd league and maybe going to 12 teams in the second league to be different.
I would lean to a redraft as well. I have had a couple ask me about it.