I like the first trade from your perspective. Nico is currently WR8 in the NFL, and that might continue. Cook is currently RB12, and also might maintain that.
On the other hand, Andrews is starting to get injury prone, while DJ Moore is part of the “hot mess” Chicago offense.
Thanks. I can’t explain this, but I don’t trust andrews season long. Problem is I have Ferguson on bench and other waiver guys are lousy. I could ‘probably’ trade Edwards for Goeddert (She has Kelce too and no RBs) but I am playing her this week and need the win, lol
It’s a risk to help her. MY DJ got me 3.48 points. Her lineup is ravaged by injuries, so she has love, conner, perine, d smith, pittman, kelce, mclaurin.
I assume she would flex edwards against me but may be worth it on long run