I was actually sad when I got off work today and there wasn’t a new Fantasy Pros podcast on Spotify. So I went and listened to one of your competitors…for about 5 minutes. What is it about fantasy football podcasts having to sound like a bad morning drive time radio show?
Fantasy Pros does the podcast right. Sure, you guys will go on tangents occasionally, but you don’t kill your podcast with it. It’s interesting, without making the podcast fluffy. Mainly, you do what I like: You talk football. Even when you’re wrong, I still listen (after a minute of yelling at you through my speakers!).
Keep up the great work guys!
Thanks @edmcgon, appreciate the kind words. There was an episode recorded today and it’ll be out tonight!
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OK with Kyle “wide range of outcomes” Yates, Mike “please pronounce Tagliere the way your grands would”, and the occasional guest…more than enough salient info, and well-defended opinion to satisfy an adult like myself, but please bring back Mr. Harris as host…can neither watch nor listen with Mr. Pisapia hosting…way too much inside joking BS wasting my time (the man believes he is funny, but no), and his cam-
era is too frikkin’ close to his hexagonal faccia…now as a host, when he wants to, he can and does run a tidy, tight ship, but a more professional approach would be much appreciated…oh did I ask please bring back Mr. Harris?
Since we’re reviewing them…
Pisapia would actually make a better guest, because I find his rankings generally closer to my own. He plays the objective host well, but I’d rather hear his opinion. In football game viewing terms, he’d make a better color analyst than play-by-play guy.
On the Yates vs. Tags discussion, I tend to prefer Yates. He isn’t afraid to step outside the ECR lines and say something that runs against what the so-called experts think. Sometimes he’s wrong, and sometimes he’s right, but he’s always thought-provoking. Tags tends to color within the lines a bit more, IMO.
Agreed on Dan Harris. He runs a tight show.
Overall, still the best podcast in the business. It is my go-to drive-time listening.