Excel Download Problem

Anyone having issues with data loss when downloading multiple lineups to excel. Its formatted correctly ,any help is greatly appreciated

I haven’t experienced any, but I only download weekly rankings and use them for my DFS lineups.

Can you explain in more detail what exactly happens? I’ll be happy to see if I can reproduce the problem. I’m not affiliated with FantasyPros in any way, though, so if it’s a server-side problem, I will most definitely not be able to fix it.

Using the lineup optimizer, I create multiple lineups. I save the lineups then select to export them to excel. When it imports into excel, there is a formatting problem. I only the headers in the excel column but all rows are just numbers rather than showing the lineups I exported

Ah okay, that’s a DFS feature for which you need a HOF membership, correct?
Don’t have that, so I won’t be able to help you there, I’m afraid.