Establishing the Draft Order in Dynasty Leagues

Dynasty commishs will know the problem. If you establish the draft order by season ranking, owners will be tempted to tank as soon as they are out of the playoff race.

Awarding the 1st overall pick via the consolation playoffs keeps the season interesting through week 16 for all owners. But the consolation playoff winner is rarely the weakest team in the league, that would need the 1.1. the most. Plus, some owners may still try a little tanking in weeks 11-13, to make it to the consolation round if they feel they don’t have a shot in the playoffs.

Question: did any dynasty commish here ever try to establish the draft order via the Dynasty Power Ranking in FantasyPro’s ‘My Playbook’ section?

I am thinking about suggesting this to my league’s owners. It would eliminate any reason for tanking, plus you can’t cheat the system. The only chance to deliberately gain a higher draft rank is by dropping valuable players. Which is no problem, as the other owners will be happy to find them on the waiver wire.

To keep the consolation playoffs interesting, I’d consider awarding $100 extra FAAB to the consolation winner. They can use them throughout the season, or spend $201 for a guaranteed pick in the first waiver round, and still have $99 for the rest of the season.

What are your thoughts on this system?

There is no best way to deal with this. However, I am honestly willing to live with the “tanking” problem. If you are losing, and going to lose, why not aim for the trenches? Sell off your best players, gather draft picks, and come back strong next year? That is the point of dynasty, right? Setting yourself up for the next season is good strategy.

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Selling off players to load up with draft picks for next year isn’t tanking. That’s a legitimate dynasty strategy. Most leagues have trading deadlines to avoid any funny business before the playoffs start. Everything that happens before that deadline is fair game.

Tanking is when you don’t start your best available players, and conveniently forget injured or bye week players in your starting lineup. And that’s most certainly not the point of dynasty, as far as I am concerned.

Using the FantasyPros dynasty ranking to determine the draft order is a very intruguing idea, as it will eliminate tanking entirely. I’m just not sure if I can sell it to the team owners. Not all of them use FantasyPros…

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Tanking games happens in the NFL. Remember when Jalen Hurts got benched at the end of the season? I suspect teams do more to tank games than we realize, probably with predictable playcalling.

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True. The Jags kept Minshew benched after his thumb injury as they were afraid he could actually win more games for them.

Still doesn’t mean I’d like to see that in my dynasty league :slight_smile:

On the long run, it’s bad for dynasty leagues if they run out of balance. Making sure that the 1.1 goes to the team that needs it the most is a good way to avoid that. That’s why I’m intrigued by using the FantasyPros league ranking, as it seems pretty incorruptible to me.

Was just wondering if any commishs or dynasty owners already have first hand experience with it.

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for our 10 player dynasty league our number one goes to the winner of the bottom 4 in the playoffs. keeps you in the game!

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That’s how we handle it in my 12-team dynasty league as well. But this year is a perfect example for the problem with that approach.

Our 1.1 in the 2021 draft went to the team that was #4 in our power ranking, with only a small distance to the #1-3 spots. The team was a contender for the 2020 title. But the owner had some bad luck with injuries, and was playing in the strongest division. So he ended up with the #7 seed and had to play the consolation round.

Which he dominated and thus won the 1.1.

This season, all his studs that were injured last year are back. He was still the #4 team in the power ranking before the draft. And left the draft room with Najee Harris in tow.

The weakest team by far only had the 1.3 pick, and only thanks to an extremely lucky win in week 14. Otherwise, it would have been the 1.5.

I don’t see how that owner can turn that team around, if they constantly end up with the 1.5 pick because they are too bad to win a game in the consolation round. My concern is that the owner will at some point lose interest and abandon the team, and then the entire league would have a problem.

Zak, I think you just explained why tanking should be allowed.

I did? Guess I don’t understand my own explanation then. Wouldn’t be a first… :sweat_smile:

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Sorry, I know this is an old thread, but there is actually a best way IMO to set the draft order for non-playoff teams in dynasty and that’s separately calculating and ranking based on “potential points.” Best is completely an opinion, sure, but this method is at least probably the most fair. If your league isn’t necessarily interested in fair, I completely understand. A draft lottery, for instance, could be a lot of fun, but would likely result in some very unfair outcomes. As does a consolation bracket to play for the 1.1 as you mention above.

At any rate, Potential Points ranking still allows for tanking if an owner wants to shed talent via dropping older players not in their future plans or trading guys away before the deadline, but it completely disincentivizes intentionally sitting your best roster as your highest potential point total for each week is calculated and used to rank the non-playoff teams. The 1st pick goes to the person with the lowest potential point total, which is also a pretty good indicator of being the weakest team. For playoff teams, it should be ranked on how they finish.

Intentionally sitting your best roster, which can dramatically affect the playoff race of the teams still in contention, is lame as hell. Under this system, there is zero incentive to do that, but as mentioned above there are still ways for owners to tank if they are so inclined so it does not prevent owners who are crafty from doing so. For instance, trading away a productive healthy older player for a younger guy on IR this season or a future draft pick would be a smart tanking move for a team out of contention if done before the trade deadline.

Also, in the leagues I play in, there are additional rules to prevent someone from not carrying anyone at a particular position in an effort to lower their point output. For instance, someone might think of dropping their kicker(s) and/or defense(s) so as to not accrue any points there to help improve their draft position. The additional rules I play under assign at least 10 potential points for each starting position that does not have someone on the roster capable of starting at a given position which covers IR, Bye weeks or just not rostering a legitimate player for the week (assigned potential points in these scenarios is 20 for QBs and 15 for RB/WR/Flex), so that this type of behavior is disincentivized. In other words, you’re better off rostering crappy players at certain positions than no players at all if you are primarily concerned about potential points and draft position.

In these leagues, I’ve never felt like the top picks went to the best teams from the year prior unless they happened to trade for the pick ahead of time (but that’s the mark of a smart or perhaps lucky owner) or in the scenario where someone gets decimated by injury but still has a solid long term roster, but that’s just luck of the draw IMO and there shouldn’t be rules to penalize them in the following year’s draft because of it. I’ve been able to manipulate my potential point total on teams in an effort to try to affect my draft position while still having pretty good projected rosters for the next year by using some of the moves mentioned above about trading for guys on IR or shedding older guys to teams in contention for draft picks. I don’t see really any downside to this system other than making sure you are hosting your league on a site that will auto calculate potential points like MFL will. I see a lot of downside to allowing teams out of contention to sit their best roster or consolation brackets with the 1.1 up for grabs though. And if you want to have a consolation bracket that’s playing for something, make it for half of next year’s league entry fee or even the whole fee if you don’t mind taking some of the league winner’s pot away from them.