15 Yr Keeper Lg Needs 1 Owner - Unique Format

UNIQUE FORMAT: Seasons last a HALF of a regular MLB Season, and we’ll call them “Sessions”. Each Session is independent of the other. Each Spring Session we will collect League Fees for the 2 Sessions, and prizes will be paid out for each Session just like in a “normal” MLB season.

KEEPER LIMITS: 5 players with an Optional 6th coming from your Promoted Minors. 3 Batters and 3 Pitchers.

KEEPER VALUES: Called KV’s are assigned 3 ways: Drafted rd, FA pickups (KV15) & Promoted Minors (KV12).

KEEPER CONTRACTS: 4 Sessions, or 2 Full MLB Seasons.

SCORING: Points Based System. (yrs of tweaking).

ROSTER POSITIONS: 18 Active, 6 Reserves, 3 IR, 4 Minor Lgrs.

FREE AGENT TRANSACTIONS Auction budget $100 for both seasons, transactions runs daily.

MINOR LEAGUE LIMITS & KEEPERS: Keep 4 Minor Leaguers, you DO NOT have to Promote them when they move up to Show, your choice.

TRADING: Trade Deadline is 2 weeks before the playoffs. No trading in Post Season.

CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE & PLAYOFFS: Six (6) teams make the playoffs and will Play 2 rounds. You still have your Regular Season games that run concurrently with Playoffs to decide the Session Champ prize.

Call or reply and I can send invite. 636-448-3504